Compilation of Available Data on Building Decontamination Alternatives
This document presents an analysis of selected technologies that have been tested for their potential effectiveness in decontaminating a building that has been attacked using biological or chemical warfare agents, or using toxic industrial compounds.
CDC Bioterrorism
Information on terrorism and public health. Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Center for International Security and Cooperation - (CISAC)
Degradation of Biological Weapons Agents in the Environment: Implications for Terrorism Response.
NIOSH: Terrorism Response
Terrorism Response Manuals and documents pertaining to Safeguarding Building Ventilation, Anthrax, Chemical Hazards and Bloodborne Infectious Disease.
World Health Organization - (WHO)
Providing timely and up-to-date news critical to responders.
Recognizing Bioterrorism-Related Illnesses
Rapid Response Card in PDF format that helps emergency responders Recognize Bioterrorism-Related Illnesses.
USAMRIID Reference Material
USAMRIID, an organization of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, is the lead medical research laboratory for the U.S. Biological Defense Research Program. The Institute plays a key role as the only laboratory in the Department of Defense (DoD) equipped to safely study highly hazardous infectious agents requiring maximum containment at biosafety level (BSL)-4.
BioWatch, a presidential initiative, is a system designed to detect the
presence of biological agents that have been intentionally released into
the air.
BioWatch Fact Sheet