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Stella Jones Corp - Sheridan

Site Contact:
Randy Nattis
On Scene Coordinator


Site Location:
22125 SW Rock Creek Rd
Sheridan, OR 97378
NRC#: 1376785, 1376853, 1376877

Overview:  On August 21, 2023, EPA received notification from the National Response Center (NRC) about a 100-gallon spill of diesel-containing wood preservative at a processing facility owned by the Stella-Jones Corporation in Sheridan, Oregon. Initially, the company reported that the spill was entirely contained onsite, and that cleanup was underway. A subsequent report stated that the spill had reached the City of Sheridan’s sanitary sewer, entering through the facility’s men’s bathroom urinals, and traveling approximately ¾ of a mile into the storm water system, which eventually drains to the South Yamhill River. The actual amount of product lost is suspected to be greater than 1000 gallons. A cleanup contractor hired by Stella-Jones is currently onsite.

State, Local and other Federal Agency Actions: ODEQ will arrive on-scene in the morning on August 22, 2023. The City of Sheridan’s Utility Manager is assisting with the technical approach to mitigating sanitary sewer impacts. This facility is located on a National Priorities List site, Taylor Lumber and Treating.

EPA Actions:  This incident is within EPA jurisdiction and OSC Randy Nattis deployed to oversee the response led by Stella-Jones Corporation. According to the EJ Screen, there are potential EJ concerns in the proximity of the incident location



OSC Nattis arrived on scene at 2130 pst 8/21 to observed what appeared to be a couple of thousands of gallons of material spread throughout the facility which exceeded the secondary containment of the facility and entered the storm drain and threatened the South Yamhill River, which is within 300 ft of the spill location.  At the time, the RP, Stella Jones, had Clean Harbors on site securing the source and determining nature and extent of the release.  Additionally, Clean Harbors had plugged the stormwater drain prior to the entrance to the South Yamhill River and  was engaged with jet washing and vacuuming out the storm drains.  OSC Nattis demobed from site after 0100 pst on 8/22.

Based on the latest NRC report 1376906: